"The eccentric planetary orbits seen in these systems are essentially scars from past disruptions caused by the companion star, " co-author Sean Raymond, of the University of Bordeaux and the National
The full faith and credit of the United States government is essentially our reputation in the world.
Now this information is essentially summarised, as I mentioned earlier, in a safety analysis report and there are seventeen basic chapters.
Rough relational database model is Multi-valued information system essentially, inheriting and extending classical rough sets theory. But there is much difference between them.
Being a kind of automatic and gene-controlled cell death, cell apoptosis involves complicated regulatory mechanism and stimulates no inflammation, which is essentially different from necrosis.
So in this regard, essentially speaking, the behavior that the government defines a series of rules and then implement is a kind of institutional schedule.
The rest of the content inside the file is essentially a self contained record store, with additional media you can unlock by submitting your email address.
The noise generated by these resistors is less than -40 dB, or essentially noise-free.
It is essentially the fastest speed your player can go without turning to run.
Interest rates are already essentially at zero and two rounds of quantitative easing, in which the Fed pumped $2.3 trillion into the financial markets, failed to get the U.
So they've essentially cleaned house and they've shrunk their operations to what they feel is worth putting money into.
The problem of structure optimization in supply is essentially how to determine the supplier number. The number of suppliers is related to the supply risk and total purchase cost.
Determine what format you'd like to publish in: hardcover, softcover, or ebook, which is essentially an electronic file and requires no paper printing.
The IRS has issued proposed regulations designed to fix this manifestly unfair and unworkable provision by essentially rewriting the statute without Congressional approval.
They get what is essentially a vaguely worded promise to not do that again, or at least, not that same thing, for at least two years.
Decoupling refresh cycles lets data center customers purchase server compute nodes, which are essentially very small motherboards (processor, system memory, boot environment, management, and connectio
Urban construction is essentially an economic problem.
Face recognition is essentially a typical small-sample pattern recognition problem in sparse hyper-high dimensional space.
Colleges are one potential market for the new keys, which essentially translate the identity information stored on traditional badges into portable, digital form.
By this March, however, the Carlyle, Blackstone and other equity partnerships started marking down their holdings, and Reijtenbagh's portfolio plummeted, essentially putting Reijtenbagh at risk of a C