CPE缩写的意思 - 医学研究委员会蛋白质工程中心(英国剑桥大学)

【词性类别】 生物科学 机构组织
【英文全称】The Centre for Protein Engineering
【缩写简介】http://www.mrc-cpe.cam.ac.uk/ The Centre for Protein Engineering (CPE) was set up in 1989 as an Interdisciplinary Research Centre in the University of Cambridge , funded by the Medical Research Council with support from Industry, and Charitable organisations, with the purpose of bringing together in one department but from different disciplines, groups with overlapping interests in protein structure and design. The excellent laboratory facilities are used by a core group of MRC and University staff plus a large number of visitors from the UK and overseas. The Centre has close links with the Department of Chemistry in the University and with the Laboratory of Molecular Biology at the MRC Centre.