Both of these were essentially game shows, but they doubled as earthy anthropological experiments, and they convinced viewers and executives alike that television could provide action without actors.
And I think what distinguishes the President's approach, all-of-the-above approach to our energy future from the Republican approach is that the Republican approach is essentially one that is written
Currently, teams essentially cannot have debt exceed 10 times earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.
That way, the software can essentially ignore the touches of whatever paw it thinks is gripping the device.
The slow start is understandable in some respects, considering the club is essentially starting from scratch with a new fan base.
The Maya believed that their ancestors essentially came from corn, and they were formed of yellow and white maize dough.
Essentially, abrasive waterjet cutting is a process of water erosion.
By taking further action to induce borrowing, the Fed would essentially be trying to help break this cycle.
Initial nuclear radiation will be a significant hazard with smaller weapons, but the fallout hazard can be ignored as there is essentially no local fallout from an air burst.
Levi-Strauss' famous book, The Raw and the Cooked, essentially stages this critique in and of itself.
Gee essentially said if the Emperor says he has no clothes (or NCAA violations) then the President dare not say otherwise even if the coach is nakedly violating NCAA rules.
Each implementation class is essentially a different provider that offers distinct functionality relative to the other implementations of the interface.
And that something else is essentially the filling sequence.
No doubt, this is something that concerns VCs and so, in most cases, they require anti-dilution protection in a down round of which there are essentially three forms
Essentially all of these questions are still up for grabs in the case of Palestine.
"If you begin to allow certain goods to come through, then that essentially frees up Hamas to bring in items of concern in greater quantities.
So, essentially when we're talking about these equations up here, all we're doing is talking about the regular Rydberg formulas, but instead we could go back and re-derive the equation for any one ele
All those areas are essentially controlled and regulated by IDS itself; we can hardly do anything about them.
So this is a little bit trickier to look at and see what it means, but essentially we have two hybrid orbitals, which are shown in blue here, and then we have one p orbital that's left alone that's go
So, most states would essentially adopt what the NAIC says, otherwise--they're not going to figure it all-- they can't claim to beat--it would be rational to do that.