前綴Afro- = Africa; African and …
前綴 afore- = Before or previously
前綴aer(o)- = Air or another gas; the atmosphere; aircraft
前綴arch-,archi-,arche- = chief,leader 首領
前綴adip(o)- = Fat or fatty tissues
前綴acrylo-,acryl- = Acrylic 丙烯酸塑料
前綴acro-,acr- = highest, topmost, at the extremities 高,最高,極高,頂點
前綴acoust(o)-,acous-, acou-, and acoustico- = Sound or hearing
前綴acar(o)-,acari- = A mite or tick
前綴acanth(o)- = Spiny or thorny
前綴myria-,myri- = ten thousand,innumberable 萬
前綴pico- = vary small 微微,萬億分之一,沙
前綴oligo-,olig- = few,small,scanty 少,小,寡,微