Therefore, the magnetomotive force in the air gap is essentially proportional to the primary ampereturns squared.
Our Bannockburn vineyard has a range of Lochar soil types that have a high proportion of gravels, while Lowburn is an essentially level site with a base of glacial and alluvial shingles.
Essentially, directors need to look outwards, beyond the company, seeing the business in its competitive, commercial context. They must also look inwards at the component parts of the company.
"Non-lending market also has to recover the loan risk, essentially by the private sector credit.
A heavy white poisonous powder, essentially basic lead carbonate, used in paint pigments.
Essentially, intellectual asset is a type of immaterial asset, and immateriality of object is the common law property of the belonging rights of intellectual assets.
In one implementation the photodiodes within each unit cell are essentially identical photodiodes but with different exposure times.
A magnet consisting essentially of a coil of insulated wire wrapped around a soft iron core that is magnetized only when current flows through the wire.
A dark gray mineral, essentially Cu2S, that is an important ore of copper.
The idea of time is essentially an idea of periodic repetition.
And its syntax is essentially MASM's, with the contradictions and quirks that entails (although it sorts out some of those by means of Ideal mode).
A trackball is essentially an upside-down mouse.
We rewrote our legal and regulatory system in the past few decades essentially to banish human judgment from government decisions.
So has the all the paper munltivariable in holespacing was given by the different quantity, so that when the page is in conjunction with the use of paper each able to essentially the same.
An instrument consisting essentially of two curved hinged legs, used to measure thickness and distances.
An instrument consisting essentially of two curved hinged legs,used to measure thickness and distances.
Lancashire Hotpot originates from the days of heavy industrialization in Lancashire , essentially consisting of meat, onion and potatoes left in a heavy pot baking on a low heat in the oven all day.
Lancashire Hotpot originates from the days of heavy industrialization in Lancashire , essentially consisting of meat, onion and potatoes left in a heavy pot baking on a low heat in the oven all day.
This essentially created the wavering, blurry look of a heat haze.
Master Merchants' Guild house is essentially the home of the trade establishment in any medieval city it adorns.