Essentially, the White Yeomanry Economy is a kind of particular transition between the Petty Peasant Economy and the Agricultural Commodity Economy.
Aqua privy Consists essentially of a squatting plate situated immediately above a small septic tank that discharges its effluent to an adjacent soakaway.
It is essentially a sign of infantile manipulation of motivation.
For example, ice cream is essentially a mixture of milk, fat and sugar, and clearly ice cream is not an empty-calorie food.
Note that it's essentially at RF ground, shielding the remaining grids and the plate circuit from the oscillator portion.
Each era made its own modifications to the system, but it lasted essentially intact as to its rationale just as it had been formed in Zhou times.
The analyses of chicken bile show the chemical composition of chicken bile is difference from that of other animals and the biles of different chicken have essentially same chemical composition.
CENTCOM fights wars with troops essentially borrowed from PACOM.
Qabbalah refers to an oral tradition of esoteric or secret knowledge concerning \'essentially\' the mysteries of Nature, and more overtly, the hidden teachings concerning the Hebrew Torah.
Qabbalah refers to an oral tradition of esoteric or secret knowledge concerning' essentially' the mysteries of Nature, and more overtly, the hidden teachings concerning the Hebrew Torah.
"The Moon is essentially gray, no color;looks like plaster of Paris or sort of a grayish beach sand," Lovell reported back to Mission Control.
The Co atoms were enriched on the surface for SMAI catalysts, whereas the Co atom concentrationon the surface was essentially the same as in the bulk for CI catalysts.
At this time point the business has essentially completed the earning process and the sales value of the goods or service can be measured objectively.
Essentially, we maintain a clear audit trail of his actions.
An analysis of the vibration characteristics of a composite electroacoustic transducer, which is essentially a longitudinal vibrator with attached masses, is presented.
The bubble phase is essentially solid-free.
essentially self adjoint operator
The P2P network has been widely used in distributed computing systems,and the information systems in the digital city is essentially peer to peer.
The internalization of accident loss could promote the prevention of accident through economic lever, and the level of safety management in whole construction industry would be essentially improved.
At low frequencies, the DC resistance of a given conductor is essentially the same as its AC resistance.