The first two, known as the rumen, are essentially vast incubation chambers teeming with bacteria and protozoa.
Their chemical composition essentially similar, the element of pieplant of reed liver mosses that just contains kind straight wine part is smaller than emerald green Lu Lao much.
The laser's basic structure, also called the resonant cavity, is essentially a long tube with mirrors at each end.
For the main system,the conventional arc welding power s ource is essentially a rectifier load with a large capacitor,which results in s piky line current containing many harmonic components.
The surgical treatment of alopecia is essentially based on minigraft and micrograft techniques in which grafts are inserted into a slit or punch recipient site.
目前治疗秃发的外科方法,基本上是将取下的后脑勺头皮毛发切割分成 “迷你植体”和“细微植体” 发株移植片种植到前额头顶秃发的部位,来改善毛囊密度。
The continuum of the corona is essentially radially polarized.
The components of solid propellants are of necessity highly reactive and essentially incompatible.
This chart essentially overlays our previous data on global money supply with the data on the value of gold.
The rest of the steps are essentially the same as the previous case.
" While Batumi is opened, the strategic oil port of Poti, 80 km to the north, is essentially closed.
While Batumi is opened, the strategic oil port of Poti, 80 km to the north, is essentially closed.
"Our force posture and footprint is essentially unchanged over the last 50 years," Adm.
It remains essentially the same, with only a few changes based on new technologies, such as the production of quality plastic pipette tips.
An orderly arrangement of data, especially one in which the data are arranged in columns and rows in an essentially rectangular form.
Essentially, it is a tennis net made from Kevlar strips, with two metal stanchions on either side.
The impulse to do a nice job or a neat job is essentially an aesthetic impulse....
Early Chinese civilized history is essentially a mixture of mythical stories and legends about san'huang and wu'di.
Essentially, the what-if analysis lets the member input various price criteria, and then see how various technical indicators and modal points shift based on that what-if data.
Balance sheet liability method satisfies the demand for accounting proceeding of income tax in modern technical structure of economy essentially and establishes with comprehensive theory of income.
What's great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest.